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Upcoming Events

Stay up to date with all the events that we participate in.

November 2024
Verona, Italia

VueDay 2024

Organized by Grusp, this international event is structured to inform participants about the Vue framework for building user interfaces. Created to be scalable, Vue focuses only on the visualization layer and is easy to use and integrate with other libraries or existing projects.

9-10 october 2024
Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi

World Summit AI 2024

An essential dive into the hottest topic of recent years. Participation in the World Summit on Artificial Intelligence is a must for a company like Dedicated that aims to stay at the forefront of technological advances. The AI world is constantly evolving, and we prioritize learning about innovation and technology and how we can leverage it to our customers’ benefit.

World Summit AI

23 may 2024
Milano, Italia

AWS Summit 2024

Every year we participate in the dedicated AWS event to deepen our technical knowledge about cloud services and how to apply them to support our clients. This is an opportunity to immerse ourselves in a different aspect of innovation and digital transformation, hear the latest testimonies and engage in discussions with industry colleagues.

AWS Summit

11 april 2024
Verona, Italia

JS Day 2024

The 13th edition of the Italian conference dedicated to JavaScript. An international event to explore new opportunities through interactions with other industry professionals and exchange ideas through constructive dialogue.

JS day

5 april 2024
Faenza, Italia

CSS Day 2024

The tenth edition of the Italian conference dedicated to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), the language that helps to better define websites and their pages. The new knowledge acquired enables us to make our websites even more readable, usable, and aesthetically pleasing.


7 March 2024 |
Paris, France

La journée de la facture électronique

In March, you will find us in Paris for the “Electronic Invoicing Day 2024” organized by FNFE-MPE (Electronic Invoicing Forum), which has been addressing these issues for over 10 years. The agenda for the day will allow us to gain a comprehensive overview of electronic invoicing in France and how to address imminent regulatory changes.


23 January 2024 |
Milan, Italy

International Observatory on eInvoicing Kick-Off Event 2024

The Observatory team shares the preliminary results of their research for the upcoming edition. Participants will have the opportunity to gain insights into recent developments in the activities of the Observatory’s strategic partners (FAU, EESPA, and OpenPeppol) and discuss the most critical issues and relevant updates in the field of electronic invoicing. 

15-17 November 2023 |

Singapore Fintech Festival

Organized by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and Elevandi, the Singapore Fintech Festival (SFF) has become the leading platform for the global FinTech community to engage, connect and collaborate on issues related to the confluence of financial services, public policy, and technology.

Fintech Festival

20-21 September 2023 |
Cologne, Germany

DMEXCO (Digital Marketing Exposition & Conference)

Our marketing team’s participation at the Digital Marketing Exposition & Conference will help us stay informed about new European trends to better serve our customers’ needs.


22 June 2023 |
Milan, Italy

AWS Summit Milano

An opportunity to enrich our expertise regarding cloud technology. Meeting with experts from Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud services gives us the opportunity to engage in a constructive discussion and deepen our knowledge of these tools.

AWS Summit Milano

22nd June 2023 |
Milan, Italy

Osservatori digital innovation ー
Digital B2B: Chi si ferma è perduto! Convegno

Hosted by the renowned Politecnico di Milano’s School of Management B2B Digital Innovation Observatory (one of the intitution’s research and analysis activities focused on Digital Innovation), the convention Digital B2B: chi si ferma è perduto! (or Digital B2B: Whoever stops is doomed!) officially closes the intitution’s 2022ー2023 edition of research. Our participation will help us to deepen our knowledge of B2B eCommerce, digitalization of Transport Documents and the customs process, regulatory compliance and electronic invoicing in Europe. 

2 May and 6 June 2023 |
PEPPOL online meeting

PEPPOL Service Provider Community meeting

By participating in theat meetings of the PEPPOL Service Provider Community we keep up to date with the latest technical developments of the Open Peppol system for document exchange at European level.

Peppol events

8 June 2023 |
PEPPOL online meeting, Brussels

15th OpenPeppol General Assembly

This online meeting includes real-time voting on relevant items in the official agenda and offers members the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussion regarding OpenPeppol’s statute and activities. By attending our team of experts stay informed and engage with other members of Open Peppol.

Peppol events

17ー19 April 2023 |
London, United Kingdom

ScrumAlliance Certified ScrumMaster Course

By completing the Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) course we gained the tools to increase our business agility and efficiency. Certification allows our team members to foster an effective and productive work environment and find a better way to solve complex problems.

Scrum Alliance

26 May 2022 |
Palazzo Bo, Università di Padova, Padua, Italy

Università aperta

The Career Day, Università Aperta, returns to the centuries-old courtyards of Padua’s Palazzo Bo building. This special event, organized by the University of Padua, allowed us to meet curious and passionate new talent, introduce ourselves, and present our career opportunities.

Università Aperta